Friday, April 07, 2006

Books to Read

I went to Barnes and Noble two days ago. Yesterday, I browsed through their online store. From two days of window shopping, I have come up with a list of books that I want to read. The list is as follows:

Tuesdays with Morrie
American Gospel
The Da Vinci Code

A while back, a short clip on the CBS Sunday Morning Show sparked my desire to read Tuesdays with Morrie . It sounded like a worthwhile book and seeing it at the store reminded of that. Blink intrigues me because I enjoyed reading Malcolm Gladwell's other book, The Tipping Point. American gospel sounds appealing because it recounts the role religion has had in the shaping of the U.S. government. When doesn't the conflict between religion and government make for an interesting ordeal? A few people have told me about The Da Vinci Code and I think it sounds interesting based on their recollections of the book.

There you have it! Four books that I think would be interesting reads.

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