Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Western Digital in the 750GB HD market

Western Digital now joins the ranks of Seagate and Hitachi in the 750GB hard drive market. Western Digital claims superiority because of a trio of technologies they implemented to boost performance and reliability.

Get the whole story here.

Ron Paul for President 2008

If the presidential election were held today, I would vote for Ron Paul. He is a conservative in favor of limited government. He doesn't like taxes, the Iraq War, or too much foreign involvement. He believes in people's privacy and personal liberty. Most of all, he believes in freedom. " Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital."

Watch this video of him from Bill Maher's show.
Check out his schedule here.
He even has a Myspace page.

In the name of freedom, vote Ron Paul '08!

[Photo: ronpaul2008]