Check out this video. A guy leaked video of himself playing Halo3, in Alpha, to show everyone what the weapons will look like. Personally, I don't think they are anything spectacular in comparison with Halo2. The lineup looks nearly identical to what Halo2 had to offer. The best part, and the only thing that looked different, is that they're bringing back the pistol from the original Halo; well, it appears that way, but I can't be sure. If this is true, I hope it will be far less powerful than it was back in Halo's beginnings. Oh, I remember the glory of one shot kills in the head from across the map, with a pistol of all weapons. Nonetheless, Halo3 looks extremely promising. It has some big shoes to fill when comparing with the success of it's predecessors, Halo and Halo2.In other news, this article reveals a new feature in Halo3 (the title summarizes it well):
Halo3 will "mute idiots" via button
I think this feature has been long overdue. I used to get caught up in the trash talking gimmicks of Xbox Live, but, now, I try and keep my mouth shut. What can I say? Sometimes it’s hard to resist when you’re playing with "that one kid". If you've every played on Xbox Live (especially Halo2) then you'll know what I'm talking about. It’s the kid who curses more than a sailor and feels the need to teabag your corpse every time he is fortunate enough to get lucky head shot; all of this is happening while you are totally annihilating him. In some instances, a somewhat "vulgar" response is required, with the hopes of his parents being in earshot so that they'll run over, pull the plug, and never let the kid on Xbox Live again. At least when I do want that moment of silence, it will only be the click of a button away now.
Saving the best news for last... Guess who got into the Halo3 beta?
That’s right; yours truly is officially entered into the beta. I received the e-mail February 13th. The content of the e-mail was congratulation, followed by the useless required legal information. I'm psyched to start playing the beta. I'll make an update on this at a later date.
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