Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Link Mania: Full Tilt - encouragement for a simple home

My Two Dollars - personal finance blog

I Will Teach You To Be Rich
- personal finance blog

Wallet Pop - money and finance website by AOL

Consumerism Commentary - personal finance blog

Money Blog Network - personal finance blog network - independent online poker authority

Scour - innovative search engine that allows users to vote and comment on relevancy of results - " helps restaurant owners promote the new and unique aspects of their restaurants while providing diners with great value in a fun, new and cost effective way" - "working for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and empowering consumers to protect themselves" - learn the absolute basics of cooking, with short cooking videso and step-by-step photo tutorials

Energy Star - program to help people save money and protect the environment thorugh energy efficient products and practices

Reclaim Your Time: 20 Great Ways to Find More Free Time

Hidden Price Increases at the Grocery Store

How To Save on Your Energy Bill

Link Mania: The Simple Dollar

Trent quitting his job and becoming a full time writer:

Other articles:
Links found on The Simple Dollar: