Monday, November 07, 2005

Mudvayne and NIhilism

Well, my weekend was great. I lost seven bucks playing poker and gained one back in Tripoley. I bought Mudvayne's latest CD, Lost and Found. It's a great heavymetal album, but some of their songs are odd. Overall, I liked all the songs, even the odd ones. One of the odd things on the album was in the song Choices. In a squeaky voice, they say the words "Eenie Meanie Miney Moe" (spelling?).

On one of my favorite websites, Wikipedia, I found another interesting term:


Furthermore, the most interesting article I have found on Wikipedia yet is on Internet Trolls. It's very intriguing to me to understand the reasoning behind people's logic in doing things such as trolling. I think that's one reason why I find psychology interesting. I loved this article becasue it went so in-depth on why people troll and their reasons for doing it. Also, I agree with the idea that trolls playing "Devil's Advocate" is good for a forum (it depends on the circumstances, but most of the time).

I've got to get back to the Colts and Patriots game. Go Colts!

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