Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Link Mania: Full Tilt - encouragement for a simple home

My Two Dollars - personal finance blog

I Will Teach You To Be Rich
- personal finance blog

Wallet Pop - money and finance website by AOL

Consumerism Commentary - personal finance blog

Money Blog Network - personal finance blog network - independent online poker authority

Scour - innovative search engine that allows users to vote and comment on relevancy of results - " helps restaurant owners promote the new and unique aspects of their restaurants while providing diners with great value in a fun, new and cost effective way" - "working for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and empowering consumers to protect themselves" - learn the absolute basics of cooking, with short cooking videso and step-by-step photo tutorials

Energy Star - program to help people save money and protect the environment thorugh energy efficient products and practices

Reclaim Your Time: 20 Great Ways to Find More Free Time

Hidden Price Increases at the Grocery Store

How To Save on Your Energy Bill

Link Mania: The Simple Dollar

Trent quitting his job and becoming a full time writer:

Other articles:
Links found on The Simple Dollar:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Link Mania: Full Tilt

Topix - news community

Mahalo - human-powered search engine

InformationWeek - business technology news, reviews, and blogs

Miro - free, open source internet TV and video player - online survey software

1 World 2 Wheels - "Change the World. Pledge to Go By Bike."

Scribus - open source desktop publishing

Lively by Google - new interactive chat experience

MIT Open Courseware - free lecture notes, exams, and videos

How Stuff Works - "award-winning source of credible, unbiased, and easy-to-understand explanations of how the world actually works"

Live Search Health - "Discover and act on (Web) health results powered by Microsoft HealthVault"

Posterous - "Posterous lets you post things online fast using email. You email us... and we reply instantly with your new posterous blog."

Media Matters for America - "Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Link Mania - Full Tilt

Fast Company TV - business video network

Zoomerang - online survey software

College Prowler - college reviews created by students for students

Affluenza Documentary

Free Car Media - A Nontraditional Marketing Company

PBwiki - "PBwiki is the world's largest provider of hosted business and educational wikis."

Anywhere.FM - "Anywhere.FM is a powerful music player that makes it easy to: 1. Upload your entire music collection 2. Play it anywhere on the best web music player 3. Discover new music through Friend Radio "

National Public Radio - "NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming."

Address The Mess - Comedy Central's green campaign. "The network's new pro-social campaign is committed to showing viewers easy ways to reduce waste, improve their lives and help revive the planet."

The Top 50 Productivity Blogs

"The Last Lecture: A Love Story for Your Life"

Randy Pausch's Home Page

The Personal MBA: Mastering Business Without Spending a Fortune

10 Universities Offering Free Writing Courses Online

Three Web 2.0 Sites That Aggregate Content

  1. FriendFeed - "FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends."

  2. FeedJournal - " The idea of generating a personalized newspaper from RSS and Atom feeds started to take form around the end of 2005. A few months later the “Made In Express Contest” launched, a competition to promote the free line of Express development products from Microsoft. From 1,500 entry submissions FeedJournal was picked as one of 12 finalists. In the end of a fierce competition, FeedJournal was awarded First Prize."

  3. Pipes - "Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web."

Buying a New Car? - Think Again

Buying a new car sounds pretty tempting. Who wouldn't want a new car? On the other hand, who really needs a new car? Nobody needs a new car and only the wealthy can truly afford a new car. The money you could save by instead opting for a used car is mind boggling. Watch this presentation and be amazed.

Link Mania: Law, Technology, and Technology Law

Lessig Blog - blog of stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig

Electronic Frontier Foundation - "Defending Freedom in the Digital World"

Fastcase - Legal Research and Case Law

The Public Library of Law - world's largest free law library

Scobeizer - tech geek blogger

Three Personal Health Tips

First of all, ensure that you are getting adequate sleep. Sleeping has many benefits including improving memory, helping to maintain a healthy immune system, improving motor control, and more. Psychology Today has the full scoop.

Second, you should be eating real food. What is real food? Well, Michael Pollan explains exactly that in his new book "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto". In the book, he characterizes how we should eat by saying: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." Then, he proposes "an alternative way of eating that is informed by the traditions and ecology of real, well-grown, unprocessed food." Read more about Michael Pollan's book at his website.

Lastly, reports by the CDC show that married adults are "healthier than divorced, widowed or never married adults." So, if you haven't tied the knot yet, maybe it's time you think about it. Chances are you'll be healthier for doing it. Read the full findings for more information on why married adults are the healthiest.

[Photos: Mayr and Jurvetson]

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quick Links: Fast Guide to Finance Online

The following is a list of links to quality, credible financial websites and information:

Finance wiki on Wikipedia

Articles on Finance and Investment from Knowledge@Wharton

at the Internet Public Library

The Wall Street Journal Online

Market Watch

Google Finance



The Motley Fool

CNN Money

Yahoo! Finance


MSN Money




Interesting Technology Sites

Eggxpert - an online technology community for consumer electronic and computer enthusiasts, owned by the ever-so-popular e-commerce company: Newegg.

Maximum PC - online site for the popular computer magazine, which includes news, product reviews, how-tos, a forum, and more.

Buzz Out Loud Podcast - As quoted from their website: "Buzz Out Loud is CNET's 'podcast of indeterminate length,' featuring Tom, Molly and Jason's entertaining, sometimes caustic, and always skeptical take on technology news. This daily podcast features commentary, guests, and phone calls and e-mail from our listeners."