Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring break starts, which is the reason I've been bogged down lately.
Because of these time constraints I only have time to leave you with a link:
Seth Godin's Blog
It is a very interesting blog by author Seth Godin. One thing I enjoy about reading his blog is his philosophy on simple things such as creativity. Hope you like it.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I'm Ready For a Break
Posted by
Kyle L
10:05 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Quote of the Day
"What is a friend? I will tell you. It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself. Your soul can be naked with him. He seems to ask of you to put on nothing, only to be what you are. He does not want you to be better or worse. When you are with him, you feel as a prisoner feels who has been declared innocent. You do not have to be on your guard. You can say what you think, so long as it is genuinely you. He understands those contradictions in your nature that lead others to misjudge you. With him you breathe freely. You can avow your little vanities and envies and hates and vicious sparks, your meannesses and absurdities and, in opening them up to him, they are lost, dissolved on the white ocean of his loyality. He understands. You do not have to be careful. You can abuse him, neglect him, tolerate him. Best of all, you can keep still with him. It makes no matter. He likes you. He is like fire that purges to the bone. He understands. You can weep with him, sin with him, laugh with him, pray with him. Through it all - and underneath - he sees, knows and loves you.
A friend? What is a friend?
Just one, I repeat, with whom you dare to be yourself."
-C. Raymond Beran
Posted by
Kyle L
9:03 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
Some Interesting Reads
This article, by BBC NEWS, describes why happy images trigger sadness in depressed people.
Here is a script of the recent argument between Alec Baldwin and Sean Hannity. It ended with Baldwin abruptly cutting short a two hour interview and walking out.
It is rumored that Dell is now planning to produce a 27 inch flat panel LCD monitor. Nothing is official yet.
Online Gamer Punished With Virtual Crucifixion.
For the geeks:
An explanation of why AMD processors that run at different speeds than Intel processors are more efficient.
Then again, a true geek most likely knew that so I guess it's for the rest of us.
Posted by
Kyle L
7:42 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Positive News In The Media
These days the media is always filled with news that is bleak and melancholy. In his blog, Andrew Sullivan has a nice little excerpt on some good, upbeat news. It is a nice change because the news is usually filled with gloomy news such as the reporting on the War in Iraq. Finally, a piece of news that is worthy and does justice.
Check out his excerpt here.
Posted by
Kyle L
9:25 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Atheists The Most Distrusted Minority
Research shows that Atheists are the most distrusted minority in American society.
I think that is a pretty accurate conclusion. It would make sense because the majority of people in America have a religion. Atheists would be opposing the majority of Americans, whether it be Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, or etc. On the other hand, a lot of religions can agree on some basic concepts such as the belief that there is a greater being. I would think that theoretically Atheists wouldn't be able to agree with any religion on anything.
Here is an excerpt from the research article referred to above:
"Edgell also argues that today’s atheists play the role that Catholics, Jews and communists have played in the past—they offer a symbolic moral boundary to membership in American society. “It seems most Americans believe that diversity is fine, as long as every one shares a common ‘core’ of values that make them trustworthy—and in America, that ‘core’ has historically been religious,” says Edgell. Many of the study’s respondents associated atheism with an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism."
Posted by
Kyle L
6:33 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Alienware Officially Owns by Dell
It is now official. In a buyout, Dell has acquired Alienware.
Only time will tell whether or not this transaction will be good or bad for the future success of Alienware. Personally, I've never owned an Alienware, but have envied people who do. The slick design of the case alone makes them so appealing that you forgot about the hefty price tag that accompanies them. From what I've heard, they used to be overpriced so hopefully this new transaction can help undo that problem. Dell has always been known for cheap computers. We can only dream...
Posted by
Kyle L
10:01 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Today's Quote
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around" -Leo F. Buscalgia
Posted by
Kyle L
8:34 PM
MPAA, RIAA, and Piracy
I'm not exactly sure how to accurately and vividly describe my feelings on the issue of piracy. One thing I do know is that I don't believe that sharing music over P2P networks is illegal. In my opinion, it should be legalized or the RIAA should at least stop bringing lawsuits against people. The movie industry, on the other hand, is a different story. I know the intent behind illegally downloading music and movies is the same, but, in my opinion, the circumstances are different. I don't think it affects the music industry the same as the movie industry. Therefore, I think music should be legal to download, but movies should at least require a fee of some sort.
I found an article that is about dead on with how I feel on the issue:
Legal Piracy
I'll close with my prediction that, unless something changes, what we now consider to be media piracy will one day become legal. Between the MPAA and RIAA I've never seen a bigger disconnect between what they are supposedly trying to do and what they are actually doing. In their efforts to combat piracy they are showcasing how power can be misused. The result is a growing world trend to legalize piracy to protect children and parents.
The latest instance of this is the emergence of an apparently legal high quality piracy site in Sweden called "The Pirate Bay," which is becoming the only place to find movies you can't even buy in stores. Top titles include "Inside Man," "Fearless," "Ultraviolet," and "Failure to Launch." A political party is forming in Sweden around this concept. France seems well on the way to legalizing this behavior as well.
Companies and organizations often forget that as one age group transitions out of leadership positions and the next generation transitions in, rules change. Kids currently view downloading tunes and movies as a privilege they would like to continue. In addition, an ageing group of boomers wants to be able to watch movies at home and not feel threatened for doing so. Sometimes you can hold onto something so tight you kill it and that, to me, appears to be what is happening here.
Unless the industry can find a way to reward and encourage legal behavior while enabling the things their customers want to do, they will lose what they were trying to protect and the only people they'll be able to legitimately blame is themselves.
Posted by
Kyle L
5:13 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Xbox Live and Epic Records Striking a Deal
Xbox Live and Epic Records came to an agreement that will, for one year, allow Xbox Live users to download music and high-definition video from Epic Artists. There is a variety of genres with Epic artists. A few artists that are signed with Epic Records include ACDC, Shakira, The Fray, Judas Priest, and Howie Day.
More on the deal between Epic and Microsoft here.
What's the RIAA going to do about this one? They can't stop us from downloading music legally. I think this will be the start of a trend, which could provide more free music in the future.
Microsoft seems to be making all the right decisions regarding gaming. Sony and Nintendo need to start following their lead if they want any share in the console market. In my opinion, the biggest advantage Microsoft has is that they're staying one step ahead of competitors. For example, Microsoft released the Xbox 360 a year ahead of it's competitors. This has allowed them to divert time and resources towards other services and products such as Xbox Live. Furthermore, Xbox Live has been out for over a year now and Sony has yet to come out with an online service. They are so far ahead it will be near impossible for competitors to catch up.
Microsoft continues to reign supreme, unfortunately. I think a little competition would do the console market well, but Sony seems to think that this Blu-Ray technology is more important. Let's hope they're right.
Posted by
Kyle L
1:17 AM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Lawsuits, RIAA, and Ilegal File Sharing
I found a great blog that is following the progress of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
I'm in support of the people in most of these cases, but I don't have anything more than a general knowledge of this issue. Regardless, I think it's ludicrous for the RIAA to bring so many lawsuits against individuals. That's probably because I don't see anything wrong with file sharing for music.
The only reason this became an issue was because of whiney, spoiled music artists, such as Metallica . I would bet that artists make a small portion of their profits on record sales. I would assume the large portion of their profits would come from playing concerts and contract agreements.
Although I think people should be able to share music freely, I'm not so sure about movies. Movie's main profits come from people paying to see the content. Without people purchasing movies or going to the theatres, they wouldn't have a profit. On the contrary, music artists can easily make money in ways other than record sales.
The RIAA is a joke. They need to disband and have their employees get real, honorable jobs. Enough putting innocent people behind bars and into bankruptcy. Stop the RIAA!
Posted by
Kyle L
11:32 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
PS3 Release Date Moved Back
Ken Kutaragi, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., Sony's video games division, speaks during the "PlayStation Business Briefing 2006" in Tokyo Wednesday, March 15, 2006. Sony will put off the release of its much awaited PlayStation 3 console until November from its planned spring debut because of delays in finalizing its next-generation optical disc technology.
I think this delay will hurt Sony's profits on the new console.
In my opinion, they'll lose profit because of a decreased interest with the average consumer as compared to the "hardcore" gamer. The "hardcore" gamer would have more patience and willpower to wait the additional six months. Gaming is their hobby and they're willing to put the extra resources, time and money, into it. Not only is the PS3 being released a year after the Xbox 360's debut, but it will also cost more.
On the contrary, the average consumer probably wants the item now and wants it cheap. I would assume that Sony's main customer base would be the average consumer, who has less patience. Therefore, it's my belief this delay will hurt their profits. The average consumer will probably buy the 360 because of this delay, if they haven't already. Plus, Xbox has a large fan base from their online play with Xbox Live. Most hardcore gamers I've talked to dislike the Xbox Live play because it's too full of average consumers, which include rude, loudmouth pubescent children.
Read more about the anticipated release of the PlayStation 3 here.
Posted by
Kyle L
9:57 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The Impact of Attitude on Life
The longer I live the, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.I don't think he could have put it better.
It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.
The remarkable thing is - we have a choice every day of our lives regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.
I’m convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you.
We are in charge of our attitudes.
-Charles R. Swindoll

I usually tend to be pessimistic, but lately I've started realizing it's not worth it. If I'm stuck on this earth, I might as well make the best of it and have a fun time on the journey. Actually, since I'm blessed enough to be on this earth, not if I'm stuck on it. The optimism is already kicking in.
Remember people:
Life is short. Live it to the fullest.
Posted by
Kyle L
7:31 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
New Title, Layout, and Graphics
I was just sitting here pondering my previous post. For starters, I think I need to make small changes to improve my blog. Most importantly, I need to start posting weekly. Daily would be optimal, but probably not realistic. I'm thinking about three or four posts a week sounds like a legitimate goal.
Next, I need to make my site somewhat more original. The title is lame, although I like it somewhat. The layout is the basic default and I want some unique, originals graphics. For example, a title and set of buttons that would have the same design concept. I just want more of a professional feel, so to speak, rather than the default, non-computer savvy default setup that I currently use. I haven't put much effort into it and one can tell. Who would want to read my material if I look lazy? That will be my next point of attack.
After that, I'm clueless. I'll try and make improvements as I come along them.
Oh, and I want to have a creative way that I end all my posts, but signing them with Kyle will have to suffice for now.
Posted by
Kyle L
11:21 PM
Revitalization of this blog
I know that I've never posted regularly on here. Consequently, I have never attained an audience. All of which I expected.
Honestly, though, I have logged on to this blog everyday this week. I get on and think I'm going to make a post. So everything is going great, right?
I don't know what to post about. Furthermore, when I decide what I'm going to post about I'm not confident enough in my writing skills to know how I want to present it. I don't know if I should just summarize articles I read. Or should I offer my opinion on political/personal/etc... things? I've thought about doing a mix of both, but I'm not sure how to attain this whilst having a successful blog. I would define successful as having at least 3-5 readers weekly. The more the merrier, but I'm trying to set legitimate goals. I don't want to give myself false hopes only for them to be crushed.
So, please, non-existent audience, offer me your non-existent ideas on how I can trick myself into believing that I can make a better blog.
If you happened to read this,
Thanks sooo much!
Posted by
Kyle L
11:09 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Questions of Life: .... Purpose of our existence?
What's the purpose of our existence on earth? What is the meaning of us being here? Is there any meaning? Why are we here? What's the point of our lives?
Are we here to live and die and to be forgotten? Do our lives have a purpose? What's the point of waking up tomorrow?
Why live until tomorrow if it will have the same meaning as living 30 years? Or will it have more of a meaning? If there is a meaning, then what is this meaning? Surely we won't be remembered forever. We will just be a breath of the past. Someday after our existence, surely, we will be forgotten. So then what is the point of our existence?
Why are we us?
And even if you say the point of our current life is for an after life, then I want to know what's the point of an after life? What's the point of living forever? Isn’t it selfish and conceited of us to dream of living forever? What's the point of a super happy after life? I thought there is no pleasure without pain. Let’s go with Christianity. So supposedly in heaven it would be a constant feeling of happiness so what would it be more pleasurable than? What would it be better than? You would know that your just going to be happy forever, what's the point in that? Why exist if knowing your just going to be happy and live forever? I see less point in that after life that the current life I’m living now?
At least this life has the goal of an after life. This goal gives us reason to live. It gives us hope and faith that there is better to come. But once we arrive in an after life, then what?
Being human it seems impossible for me to comprehend living an eternity. We, human beings, can't comprehend this seeing as we are only human. We live by time, we live knowing our time is going to run out. So how are supposed to be able to relate to how great an eternity would be? We’re just supposed to hope that it will be great?
Should I even try to comprehend things like this, think of the point of life, or am I just wasting my time? All I want is to find an inner peace, some contentment, to know what’s going to happen when I’m gone, when I die.
So if god really exists, why put us through this earth to then only live forever? Why not just skip earth and put us on heaven? What's the purpose of earth? If Jesus really is our god, then why did god allow us to think? Why didn't he just make us all Christians right off the bat without the ability to reason otherwise? Why does he let other religions such as Islam and Judaism thrive, when he could just make Christianity the only one?
An unthinkable amount of people have died over religious issues. How is a suicide bomber terrorist any worse than a Christian bombing an abortion clinic? Both were driven from their religious views. What's to say a Christian is better than a Muslim. Or should I say who's to say Christians are better than Muslims, not what’s to say. We're all people. No one is better than anyone else. We are not perfect. So why should one go to heaven and the other not, when neither are perfect? So why do Christians act like they deserve heaven more than anyone else? They aren’t perfect, and, surely, Jesus would understand the other religious people aren’t perfect, so shouldn’t Jesus take anyone to heaven?
I'm just a little confused with life at the moment. This post was more of a vent and, although I am looking for answers, I'm not expecting that anyone would actually read through all my ramblings, but, please, try and explain your feelings on this whole issue if you can.
All this got me to thinking….
Ok, well now I think, maybe I'm not supposed to think this much. Maybe I'm just supposed to go with the flow of life. It'd be a lot easier and I’d be a lot happier just to avoid thinking about things like this. I don't know why I do, but I do.
And lately it seems to be on my mind all the time. I here it come up places, I think about it.
It's just killing me hearing things like we all know we're going to die. The unknown is scary. No one knows what is going to happen when we die.
Some people have faith and hopes, and think there is an afterlife. Some think nothing will happen.
NO ONE KNOWS. And that fact is frightening. Everyone has their own views/ideas of what happens when we die, but it's impossible for us to know. It's scary.
Let's say Christianity is right. It's hard for me to imagine that millions upon millions of people (especially in Asia) can be wrong and are going to hell because they aren't Christians. It would be hard for me to imagine if my mom became an atheist that she would go to hell. What a great person she is and yet because she didn't declare her Christianity she can't go to heaven. And yet some murderer, ex convicted rapist, smoking, alcoholic guy will ask for forgiveness and go to heaven? And my dear mother won't?
I would think that if Jesus was so forgiving that anyone could go to heaven? Why exclude people, excluding them for not asking for forgiveness is just as bad as excluding them for sinning, in my opinion. I thought he was supposed to be perfect, and perfect to me would be for everyone to go to heaven.
No human is perfect so we're going to make mistakes. If my mistake is not having Christ in my life, why should I have to pay with eternal damnation? Why won't he forgive me? The best person in the world could go to hell, but yet the worst person in the world could go to heaven, just for asking a few words?
Honestly, I want to be a Christian, I want to believe, I want to find some answers. I want to live a long happy life and believe in god and heaven. The troubling thing is that I don't know if there is an answer set in stone, but I’m looking. I'm just having a lot of trouble putting faith into anything. I wish, more than anything else, that I could put faith in god, and become a Christian, and live a happy life.
Maybe it's because I'm young, cynical, and pessimistic. I hate that I am cynical and pessimistic, and I'm trying to fight it. But it’s so hard to change and I'm trying, but sometimes I don’t know if I’m trying hard enough.
All of this makes me realize that one thing I have to look forward to is the future, because the future has time, and time is what I need to find these answers in my life. I recently got a girlfriend and she is Christian. She has pretty strong faith, but even she said she has questions. She wants me to be Christian, and I want to be Christian. For the both of us it would be the best thing that could happen if I did. It would bring us that much closer, make our relationship that much stronger. And more than anything I want to make that relationship stronger.
This is the longest post I've ever written, and if you've read this whole thing, which I would be surprised if anyone took the time to do, bless you.
Posted by
Kyle L
3:57 PM