Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday's Fast Links

Check out the promotion for the Take Action Tour over at The promotion is a playlist that compiles an array of different artists from the tour. The purpose of the tour is to help fight depression. Bands that will make performances include: My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, Emery, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Cute Is What We Aim For, Senses Fail, A Static Lullaby, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, and many more.

Tom's Hardware reviews five of today's top web cams. I thought the Logitech QuickCam UltraVision looked the most appealing because of the high ratings it received regarding video quality. Who needs "extra" features? Ideally, isn't the main purpose of a web cam to capture or stream video? The Logitech is a little pricier than the others, but seems to be worth the extra money, if you can afford it.

"Think Small" by the New York Times. This is an article about small dwellings, which have seemingly become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people enjoy houses of this type, especially as a second home, because they are cheap and require little maintenance. Here is an excerpt from the article:

This reduction of scale makes sense for a lot of people. Second homes are often geared toward outdoor activities, so for several months of the year interior space is superfluous. Minimal square footage means reduced maintenance costs, less upkeep and reduced energy consumption. Prefabricated and pre-built models can require little or no site preparation, which means no anxious weekend drives to the country to make sure construction is moving along. Add to this an element of instant gratification (once the planning stage is over, most houses go up in days, even hours, and many are delivered, turn-key, to the site).