Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Found a New Word

While watching Bill O'Reilly's news program I learned a new word.

gar·ru·lous ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gr-ls, gry-)adj.
1. Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.

2. Wordy and rambling: a garrulous speech.


This word is great because now I can sound smart when people are rambling on about nothing. I can now say "Stop being so garrulous" and receive dumbfounded looks.

I could even change the name of my blog. It's very fitting! I kind of like this:

Garrulous Thoughts

It's simple and explanatory. There is one big downfall to that name. I doubt if many people know the definition of garrulous.

That's it for now.

Funny Video on Gay Rights

Here's a link to a hilarious video from John Stewart's show on Comedy Central. It's coming from a skeptical, liberal viewpont, but it's good nonetheless.

View it here.

It may take a few seconds to download.
